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Hardware Moves for NX-##-## Servers

  • Thursday, 28th July, 2022
  • 21:36pm

Between Wednesday, August 3rd and Friday, August 5th, Ready2Frag will begin to wind down our legacy "NX"-labeled operations and complete a transfer to our own racks, network setup, and IP management.



Customers who will be affected by the physical move of hardware are dedicated server customers with a server ID prefix of NX-##-##. Some game server customers at our WinterNode brand will also be affected by a downtime period while the hardware is moved and networking is updated.


During the downtime period, customers will be asked to power down their hardware in preparation for the move. After the move is completed and verified, dedicated server customers will need to update IP settings in the operating system (Gateway and Netmask), and will have additional usable IPs available to them depending on the IP block size allocated to their server.


As always, we are here to assist and answer any questions you may have. All affected dedicated server customers will be individually contacted.

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